Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ugly by 2NE1

Theres no words to describe how much i like this song. Its so beautiful and I would recomend it to everyone because its has so much meaning to it.This song is about how every girl feels at some point in their lives. They think they're ugly and that they are ugly compared to the pretty girls. But this song is also about accepting yourself.This song is irony. It's about accepting yourself.

[CL] I’m trying to smile brightly but
I don’t like it
I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful
Oh oh oh oh x 2

[BOM] I’m trying to sing but
No one is listening
I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful
Oh oh oh oh x 2

[DARA] Why am I this ugly
What must I do for me to be able to smile brightly like you?

[MINJI] I’m getting angry again, why can’t I ever be perfect
I simply put the blame on my ugly appearance in this broken mirror

[BOM] Don’t look at me, I hate this feeling right now
I want to hide away somewhere, I want to escape
This world is full of lies

[CL] I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty

I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly

[MINJI] Don’t tell me that you can understand me so easily
My ugly and crooked heart may even come to resent you

[BOM] Don’t force me to talk, I’m not right for you
The cold thorns inside that patronizing gaze suffocate me

[MINJI] Don’t come closer, I don’t even want your concern
I want to leave away to somewhere, I want to shout out
This world is full of lies

[CL] I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty

I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly

[DARA] All alone
I’m all alone x 2

There is no such thing as warmth
There is no one by my side

All alone
I’m all alone x 2
I’m always alone

There’s no such thing as warmth
Next to my side, there’s not even anyone to embrace me

[CL] I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be prety
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty

I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bile Kucing Tidur Terlentang

Sejak kebelakangan ni aku sangat rajin menyinggah blog orang. Dan antara blog favourite ialah Blog Serius. And this post yang buat aku tergelak terguling-guling. Aku bukan peminat kucing. Aku takut dengan kucing sebab kucing mak cik aku penah caka[ tangan aku. Huhuhu dari situ ah aku start takut dengan kucing. Tapi bile aku tengok video yang di post kat blog ni, terasa cam nak picit-picit je kucing ni. Comel kot.

Serius Cute - Kucing Yang Tidur Paling Tak Boleh Blah